Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nightwing #2

While Scott Snyder is the big buzzname in comics right now, Kyle Higgins will be joining him shortly for his work on Nightwing. This is a fantastic comic, as Kyle Higgins nails Dick Grayson, and Eddy Barrows has been putting on a spectacular art-show.

This comic picks up last comic's big showdown between Nightwing and the new villain Saiko. Nightwing shows off some impressive fighting skills, despite the superior weaponry of Saiko. We also see the return of the suit-taser, again proving Kyle Higgins' love of Nightwing. This guy has clearly read Dick extensively, even if I'm not quite sure if his claims of Dick Grayson being his favorite character are lip service, or actually genuine.

Issue #2 also explains why Haly's Circus will be playing a big role in this series, as we find out that Mr. Haly (owner of the circus) is dying, and in his will has left the circus to Dick, as originally the circus was meant to be willed to his parents. This is a great choice by Higgins. Haly's Circus is a big part of Dick Grayson's life, and him owning the circus means never having to justify why he's there, ditching the tired "I haven't seen everyone in forever!" story arc used so often.

Also, Dick seems to be inheriting a new love interest, Raya Vestri, a girl he grew up with in the circus that now is an adult, and of course, super hot (she's also a red-head, this have something to do with Nightwing appearing in Batgirl #3 next month?). Womanizing in an innocent way is a part of Dick Grayson. He's the most-eligible bachelor of the superhero world (even with Clark Kent becoming single again), he should be having some fun on the this case, in a jet.

What I enjoyed: The balance between Dick Grayson vs. Nightwing in this comic is perfect. We get a little bit of each, and see how they spillover into each other. Kyle Higgins gets Dick Grayson more than any writer ever has other than maybe Marv Wolfmann, who created the Nightwing character.  Also, Eddy Barrows has made some gorgeous art. Sometimes the anatomies are a bit off, but nothing super-noticeable. His best stuff is among the best work I've seen in the "New 52".

Conclusion: The spillover between Nightwing and Dick Grayson is the most interesting part of the comic, although I don't want to get deep into that in fear of spoiling the story. I'm hooked in big-time to this story, this issue was as compelling as anything I've read since the relaunch. 9.3/10 (A).

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