Thursday, October 20, 2011

Batman #2

Sadly, this issue doesn't have nearly as much to talk about as issue #1. However, that doesn't mean there aren't things to takeaway from this. For once Lincoln March is definitely sticking around. A foil for Bruce (looks like him, same goals for Gotham, parents were killed when he was a boy), Snyder seems to be creating his very own Hush, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, as Tommy Elliot's been lackluster since his incarnation under Jeph Loeb.

The next takeaway is that once again, Scott Snyder treats Gotham as its own character, tying its history into the present. He did this in "The Black Mirror" and "Gates of Gotham". As he has started to do this in his new Bat-story as well, count on it tying into the story in a big way.

Lastly, this book is going to be more Detective Comics than Batman. Snyder's a master of the mystery, and he likes to keep readers in the dark. This mysterious "Court of Owls" clearly has operated without Batman's notice, the biggest question is: how long? Also, almost equally compelling, how have they avoided Bruce's notice?

Bruce has an evil smile
This issue we see the killer (at least I assume its the killer) from issue #1 (no the Dick Grayson frame-up from last issue doesn't go anywhere, which is a darn shame). Supposedly his name is Talon, although that isn't confirmed yet. This dude is bad-ass, and somehow able to survive a fall all the way down Wayne Tower. That must be some suit he's wearing.

What I enjoyed: This isn't as good as the first issue, but it's certainly still pretty darn good. Greg Capullo also has some awesome illustrations, real stand-out work. I'm now starting to realize why he's been put on this title.

What I didn't: I wish the story of why Dick Grayson's DNA was on the victim from issue #1 was more complex and mysterious, but I guess one can't make everything a big mystery.

Conclusion: Solid follow-up, I'm expecting bigger things for the next issue though, as the teaser reveals that we'll be finding out more about this "Court of Owls". 8.4/10 (B).

1 comment:

  1. Great site. I've enjoyed reading your reviews for the titles I've read - and your thoughts on a few others have peaked my interest enough to give them a try. I don't know how you manage to keep up with all the titles, but you've drawn a few connections between titles I would've never noticed - so keep up the good work!


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