Monday, November 7, 2011

Batwing #3

We're three issues in, and one can't really ask anymore of Winick than what's he's already done. Batwing is fantastic, a super enjoyable read that is a breath of fresh air. It's full of misdirection and intrigue, while also adding heart-pounding action to the mix, creating a solid balance.

This issue opens with a flashback to the past of David Zavimbe, where we see him with his brother Isaac, two soldiers as young men, terrible killing machines, but ones who refused to stoop to a level of everyone else in the force, choosing to protect women and children instead of raping and slaying them. This shows a moral high-ground in them, despite that they are working as devastating killers for General Keita's Army of Dawn.

This flashback works in two-fold. One, the reader is now interested in how he transitioned from a fierce killer to a superhero. There was obviously a turning point, and the comic book fan is now interested in a story about Batwing beyond the current one. Second, it now makes me wonder David's true ability to be a hero when he's killed so many people.

One of Winick's strengths as a writer is creating storylines that open the door for new storylines. Nearly every issue he writes leaves the door open for something different to evolve out of this. He obviously has this Batwing character completely plotted out as is thinking way ahead in the game and plans on writing Batwing for a long, long time.

Also, one can't say enough about how cool this book looks. Ben Oliver's illustrations are so intense and gripping, I find myself often reading too fast because I can't wait to see the next page. The fight scenes really kick ass, and seem lifelike. Watching Thunder Fall fight off Massacre with Batwing was very cool, I would really like seeing this guy all suited up and returning to fight off villains.

What I enjoyed: I love how I really don't know what's coming next. I love the grey area Winick's operating in. Is anyone truly a good guy in this book? The story's great, the characters are great, and the art is great, what's not to love?

What I didn't: Starting to get a little tired of Massacre, it's been three issues now.

Conclusion: Best issue of Batwing so far. It's great how all the problems of Africa are brought to life in this book, it makes it unique. Definitely won't be going back to a white-picket fence neighborhood for David Zavimbe after he does eventually defeat Massacre. 8.7/10 (B+).

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